Posted by kphoo on April 11, 2004, at 12:07:41
ok- you guys may read this and think what a bunch of bunk!- I know I would HAVE- I am 37- had anxiety & depression unpon birth!- quite bad I may add- took 75 mg effexor xr & actually got so bad went on ect (shock therapy for 2.5 years)- 1st yr every wk, 2nd yr every other wk & last 1/2 yr every 3rd- my memory and thinking were destroyed!- I kept going to the video store to pick out a video & my bfriend told me we just saw it & I had absolutely no recollection!...Anyway...
bfriend talked me into getting off ect & cutting effexor to 37.5 and trying cognitive behavioral therapy- what I crock I thought! You don't get it idiot!- I have a chemical imbalance!!!- But @ end of my rope I gave in- I mail ordered an @ home tape program from Midwest Center for Anxiety & Depression- 15 wks long, one tape per wk- This is the GREATEST thing I've ever found- If only I had found it years ago- I look forward to each day to do the program as it is inspirational and loving and HELPFUL!- i'm off ect for 3 full months and doing fine on 37.5 effexor and am more happy than I've ever been in my whole life- I told my bfriend if/when I ever pass away to burry/cremate my program with me b/c it changed my life- this did more for me than ect or any med & no side-effects!!!- Oh wait, side effects... hope, happiness and contentment!