Posted by HappyGirl on March 29, 2004, at 23:41:14
In reply to Effexor, Depakote Risperdal 12 yr old, posted by gr8red on March 29, 2004, at 22:13:28
>>> How can you tell if one drug is working if son is taking 2 others? Effexor was first, and before we could even see a benefit from it, he was put on the other two.<<<--- Effexor was a kind SSRI class of anti-depressant. In most cases, it brings up 'manic' episodes if ONLY on anti-depressant, particularly SSRI class of anti-dep. is notorious in regard to hypo-manic episodes. Then, your son's pdoc. was quite cautious to NOT get your son into 'manic' phrases, as assuming that your son's dx is Bipolar.
Depakote is commonly prescribed as a VERY first-lined mood-stabilizer. Risperdal is one of anti-psycho. med. that mostly helps 'aggression,' 'psychotic and delusional' parts of Bipolar along with 'booster' to other two meds. your son has been on. ---->>> I want to see if the Effexor will do what it needs to do (and he seems to be happier). Would depression cause the anxiety and mania that he is also experiencing? <<<
--- Depression and anxiety goes hand in hand, unfortunately. Probably, there is some basic similarities between depression and anxiety, due to the nature of both illnesses or anxiety might be underlined problem for depressive folks, ... but I am NOT sure on this subject, ... just in my guess along with the experience from my Bp. ---
It sounds to me like those three different meds. are all reputable meds. for Bipolar. However, if there is NO improvement on your son's symptoms, you may need to call to his pdoc. whether it is truly appropriate med. combo. for your son's condition.