Posted by LynneDa on March 9, 2004, at 12:35:59
In reply to Lexapro - Why were prescribed this Drug?, posted by MarkD on March 9, 2004, at 10:18:36
Hi Mark -
We're such a diverse bunch here! I guess Lex covers a lot of disorders.I have PMDD - Pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder. The hormonal swings around that time of the month bring on irrational, obsessive thinking, anxiety almost to the point of panic attacks but not quite & irrational sadness. This all lead to a decrease in personal worth and just good old-fashioned depression!
I struggled with it for a few years on my own and with counseling, trying to do herbal and natural things. I became very depressed, sadder, angrier & then suicidal, but still functioning - going to work, taking care of my family, etc. I was horrible to my husband, angry, acting out or withdrawing. My friends and family finally convinced me it would be okay to take meds . . . and I better do it or they would tie me up and force them down me :-)!
So, I feel much better after 4 months or so on Lex. I started at 10, upped to 20mg at 10 weeks. I need to go back to counseling to continue to improve - plus exercise and eat better. Insomnia & inorgasmia are my only side effects and I think they are both improving finally.
That's my story. I am sure that if you can reduce your anxiety, it will help your BP and it will be a cyclical effect in helping your body control the anxiety. Depression and anxiety are not always present together but one can sure bring on the other in some people. I am glad to hear you don't feel depressed!! Good luck to you Mark!
~ Lynne
Pesronally my doctor put me on it a week ago for GAD that seemed to kick in about 4 weeks ago. He thinks that getting the anxiety under control will also benefit my blood pressure, which has been on the high side for years...he mentioned nothing about the possibility of depression which i dont really feel i am.