Posted by xanthophill on February 24, 2004, at 0:10:00
putting my sons room right i came across a bottle of "di-hydan"--phenytoin which he has gotten over the internet from Pakistan.Stringent interrogation and prodding has revealed only this "its inst a drug okay :people do this for greater concentration"...........interrogation stringet still has yielded this "MY LIFE ...I DO WHATEVER I WANT! if not infront of you then behind your back".........please dont mind the melodrama but as a mother....i losing sleep at night over this..
The search on net has indeed shown that phenytoin (siezure control for epileptics) is widely used as a nootropic/cognition enhacing substance........thye say its "stablizes the electric imlblances in your neurons allowing you to concentrate better and for longer..making you calmer and focused" much of this all is true?...people have tried this will a great help if they can tell me of the benefit gained from used.
Furthermore can anyone tell me for the following :
1)Phenytoin as a hepatotoxic.
2)Folic aicd and Calciferol supplementaion
3)Gum enlargement (increased collagen prodution)
4)Dosage for cognitive enhancementPlease reply i need to know whats going on