Posted by Smiley on February 17, 2004, at 23:44:17
Have been taking .5 mg of Risperdal, wght. 90 lbs. Just started this med 4 or 5 days ago....I DO NOT FEEL RIGHT!!! Has anyone had side effects from this med? WHAT DO I DO?
Have felt drugged, foggy, disoriented, patience is very thin....the list could go on and on....
I do not like feeling sedated...I do not like feeling like I can't think!!!
Had been taking Zoloft for at least 8 weeks and experienced severe migraines from it....pdoc told me to quit taking the Zoloft last week....(Had been on Zoloft 2 or 3 yrs ago and did not get migraines before (til I ended up going off it cold-turkey when I didn't have the money to pay the co-pay...
HELP?!!! I am on a merry-go-round, ferris wheel of meds for the last year.....and the list and symptoms could go on and on....
Prozac, Effexor, Wellbutrin, Tofranil (3 months) - started experiencing psychosis, & (is that even the right word...paranoid delusions which were based on some facts of truth (horrible racing thots.....and racing is not even the right word...more like lightenting speed, and could not grasp a thot that that was floating around in my did the Tofranil lead to dopamine increase (Yes, I am a cigarette smoker, and caffeine drinker ) then Zyprexa for 3 month and it started pulling me & sucking me down into this deep dark hole. Then Zoloft (2 - 3 months and severe headaches)...then another psychosis which experienced while on the tofranil, too....Had never had this happen in my LIFE!!!!....then the Zyprexa to stop that....
Is someone out there?
I can't think...HELP...
Can't I just get a break?? Can't they just give me break? How do I know that the AD's didn't cause the paranoia.....or cause the dopamine increase? Where do migraine headaches come from (Zoloft....)...
I can't handle this Risperdal...but the Zyprexa made me sleep too long (14 - 20 hrs/day depending on the dose...2.5 - 5 mg.)....and it was there to stop what the Tofranil did to me? Now what?
I originally had been trying to get treated for depression, and now it's all this other stuff!!!
Thank you for any help...or words you could offer....