Posted by worriedstef on January 18, 2004, at 17:05:53
I tried to go off my elavil to start this celexa but at 400 in the morning yesterday i had to take my elavil which made me freak out more because i took it in the morning when your suppose to take it at night. Well im at my witts end and dont know what to do. I cant come off my old meds and go on my new meds because im so scared, i will get my anxiety attacks. and im scared of what the new meds will do, im an idiot i know but my husband thinks im nuts. The anxiety was so bad yesterday that i screamed out loud please just kill me know because i cant take these feelings. I dont have health insurance til march and cant afford to go to the psy. doc, my pcp is not that sympatetic. any advise will help.