Posted by Angielala on January 15, 2004, at 12:51:42
In reply to What are these symptoms?, posted by KimberlyDi on January 15, 2004, at 12:15:53
Perhaps change your doc, is that possible?
This is just my opinion.... but, if you are only on an AD and have tried them all, maybe the AD is pushing you into these episodes of irritability, impatience, etc.
This is how I was diagnosed with Bipolar- the fact that the ADs sent me into a state of just being pissy (not depression, but just indignace for EVERYTHING, like road rage and everything you mentioned below). I'm in no way saying you are Bipolar, though you can never know. I jsut know that wrong ADs and wrong dosages can make you feel this way.
I had to put my foot down in the doc office and said, "It's been too long, nothing has helped- we need a different approach" She disagreed and wanted to up what I was on then (Zoloft) and then gave me a downer (BuSpar). Didn't work, just added to everything. So I changed docs and after a LOT of honest discussion, BP was diagnosised.
Don't be afraid to tell your doctor no, even if s/he swears it's going to probably help. I let my doc know that it takes a lot of experimenting to get the right balance, but I told her I wasn't a damn guinee pig either.
> *Clausterphobic in crowds and public places
> *Irritability with kids
> *Impatience
> *Anger at co-workers for always complaining & whining
> *Defensive
> *High/low/high/low mood swings in short periods of time
> *Mental shutdowns (a wall blocking problem-solving thoughts) at the slightest obstacles at work.
> *Frustration
> *Shame at earlier outbursts, wonder why so angry.
> I've run out of options it seems on generic depression/anxiety AD's. I hate going to the pdoc for my next appointment knowing that imipramine isn't helping much and that she'll probably up the dosage.
> KDi in TX