Posted by JohnFromCalifornia on January 7, 2004, at 21:56:11
In reply to Help! Lexapro, Prozac, Wellbutrin w/NO success... , posted by contenta on January 7, 2004, at 17:22:51
It might be that SSRIs or other antidepressants are not the answer for you. (What duration did you take the Lexapro? If less than three months I'd suggest you did not give it enough of a chance.)
If you are BY NATURE melancholic (as I think I am), a behavioral approach may help to bring out your "good side". For example, aerobic exercise has done more to enhance my sense of well-being than any medication so far. Plus, it gives me energy and helps me sleep.
Good counseling and reading can also help your attitude and outlook. I'm very much of a pragmatist -- not touchy-feely at all -- but I can recommend one book: "The Road Less Traveled" by M. Scott Peck. He's a psychiatrist and a very down-to-earth guy who helps people cope with this difficult life by adopting a simple set of values and, yes, behaviors.
Finally, really throwing yourself into your work and relationships can work wonders, even if you have to push yourself at first. I've found that if I go through the motions of having a good life, I can actually have one! (This is classic behaviorism of course.)
Good luck!