Posted by Alouette on January 2, 2004, at 20:22:11
In reply to Re: Lexapro, posted by Gaza on January 1, 2004, at 18:39:13
Thank you so much Gaza and everyone. All your responses and are helpful.
You know, way back when I was on Effexor, I tried Wellbutrin for the lowered sex drive - but my mouth tasted TERRIBLE all the time, so bad I discontinued it. Has anyone experienced this? Did it continue or go away? Maybe I would have a different experience this time on Lexapro.... Anyway, your responses give me the impetus to be more open to Wellbutrin when I see to my p-doc when I see her in two weeks. Last month she had suggested that we might substitute Wellbutrin for Lex at a later date "when I stablize," but I was negative due to the "bad taste in my mouth" (joke!) But with your support, I may give it a second chance I think.
Thanks so much for being there everyone!
Happy New Year from Alouette