Posted by stjames on December 7, 2003, at 19:34:50
In reply to Re: BACTERIA AND OCD. Comments pls. » stjames, posted by freedom2001 on December 7, 2003, at 15:43:15
> Why aren't these infections seen in western countries now?Sigh. Treatment !!!!!!
> Talking about Aids. Reminds me of an article I read on the internet.
> In a particular small country of Africa, the ratio of aids patient to the general population is very low compared to those of other african countries. They found out that the citizens have a high intake of selenium.
> Other sources also quoted vitamin C, zinc and selenium suppressing Aids or slowing down its progression or even causing the HIV virus to drop to undetectable levels.
> What do you guys think?
> Do large doses of vitamin A, C, bioflavoids, E, Selenium and Zinc help in suppressing aids?
> Just curious.
>I would disagree. AIDS is a STD, cultures that don't have a lot of AIDS are socially isolated.
There is no patient 0. The only reason AIDS started in the Gay community was because is was a rather closed community and patient 0 was gay.
The CDC, a decade ago, disproved sexual practice
as a factor in AIDS. Transmission is equal among gay and str8 sexual practices. AIDS is very hard to get, it requires exchange of body fluids.The best theory goes like this: AIDS jumped the species barrier from monkeys. We found the mutated simian AIDS in animal hosts some time ago, it was the missing link between simian AIDS (humans are immune) and the AIDS humans can get. Retroviruses
mutate freely. In some Asian countries they eat monkeys, including the brain. All original AIDS cases in NYC/SF were traced to patient 0, a Canadian international airline Steward, often on flights to Asia. He was quite sexually active & at that point
the gay communities in major cities were quite closed.Now it gets bad & you got me started ! This
is all covered in the movie and book "and the band played on" .
The CDC, NYC health & San Francis Health depth
epidemiologists and virologists quickly realized
this was a standard STD. Historically, it has been common to see STD's are moral judgments. However, it always proves that STD's do not discriminate.
IV drug users were getting AIDS so it was clear our blood supply was in danger. the CDC was unable to get the Red Cross to test to blood supply for Hep B, which was 60% predictive for AIDS. No one seemed to have the power to make the RC do anything, not even the FDA. Meanwhile The French and an American scientist,Dr.Gallo, were homing in on AIDS.
They both discovered it, but not till the Americans sued the French in international court, to prove who was first, delaying a test for years for AIDS. The Americans discovered AIDS via samples sent from the French and the French showed us how to keep it alive long enough to study !!!
Dr Gallo wanted a Nobel prize so he hamstrung the French.Meanwhile, we killed all the hemophiliacs, as they lack the blood clotting factor and receive this factor from the pooled blood product of thousands of peoples blood. Reagen said nothing & we allowed our homophobia to infect hemophiliacs and anyone receiving a transfusion. The government ignored the CDC and "the band played on". The RC would do nothing till there was a test for AIDS; that was tied up in court. they would not even test for Hep B, and now we have a large number of chronic hep B persons.
Their hands tied, the American researchers knew
someone had to have gotten AIDS via a transfusion.
They needed someone beyond reproach who had AIDS and someone in the health dept. who had balls and could violate
the doc/patient privacy issues and get some medical charts. They found their health official,
played my Lilly Tomlin in the movie. She discovered a rich lady who had AIDS do to an operation. The family was well known, gave much money to the city (SF, I think) and she was hetro.
She had no idea she had AIDS and once the case was made she stepped up to the plate and went public.Quite an act od courrage
She put a hetro face on AIDS and the blood supply was cleaned up.The Red Cross was sued, and found horrifically
at fault. The judge could not award damages as this would of put the RC out of business and we would then have no blood supply. Meanwhile, everyone I knew in LA and SF in the 90's was sick and is now dead. Doug, Chuck, Stephen, Gene, Francois, Carter and the list goes on and on. Genes death was horrific; toxo, PCP, meningitis and the other crypto infections are an inhuman way to die. All these guys were older than me, I came out as AIDS hit & they were infected prior to any knowledge of AIDS and safe sex.