Posted by wsj on December 6, 2003, at 0:49:58
<--> D A Y . 2 5 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 2 . 0 5 ) --> 7 0 m g --> fell asleep 12:30am on .5mg klonopin & 20mg ambien > woke 7:30am > work 8:30am - ok morning but not very energetic - short spell where i was so tired i wanted to lay down and sleep but every time i started to dose i would feel nauseated - day ruined at 2pm when I receive a report from security co showing breakin was actually someone w/ a key and alarm code that set alarm off afterward to make it look like a breakin - couldn't concentrate the rest of day > behind on work > supposed to go out of town for a week sunday - hard for parnate to work w/ whats going on around me!!!
<--> D A Y . 2 4 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 2 . 0 4 ) --> 7 0 m g --> sleep 2:30 on .5mg klonopin & 20mg ambien > wake 7:30am - work by 8:30am - tiring day > never really got going - by 4:00pm I was ready to nap - stayed till 5:45pm > worked at home in evening - overall mood pretty good unitl late afternoon > got impatient and snotty - felt like i needed 80mg today - maybe it's the .5mg klonopin thats making me less energetic? theft of security system digital video recorder has me pretty upset. looks to everyone like an inside job!
<--> D A Y . 2 3 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 2 . 0 3 ) --> 7 0 m g --> alarm company called about break in at work - 1-2am checking things - perps long gone - sleep by 2:30am on .5 klonopin and 20mg ambien > woke 8:30am went back to sleep till 9:30am > another good nights sleep - work from home until 2pm > go into work and stay until 8:00pm > leaving only to find the security system digital video recorder stolen > the locked door to its office had been jimmied open - obvious inside theft -so angry i shake - ok mood until i find out about theft - now its 2:00am ive taken .5 klonopin & 20 mg ambien and im still wide awake
<--> D A Y . 2 2 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 2 . 0 2 ) --> 7 0 m g --> 2:00am little bit sleepy after .5 klonopin & 10mg ambien - fell asleep by 2:30pm > slept soundly to 8:15am (wonderful!) - got up and ate a little breakfast in my pj's - showered and did some work from the house - i can use my computer at work and all the others by cable modem / pcanywhere! eat spaghetti w/mozzorela > no problem - put my car in shop for new battery - got to work by 4:15pm > stayed till 8:15pm - p/u car in meantime > no more battery problems - pdoc finnaly emailed want me to continue ambien at 20mg and restop klonopin - also said he shouldn't perscribe by email so he wants paid appt next time(surprise)
<--> D A Y . 2 1 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 2 . 0 1 ) --> 7 0 m g --> out of ambien! - took .5 klonopin at 10:30pm yesterday - got in bed 2:30am this morning > took .5 more klonopin @ 4:00am > took a small bite out of a trazadone @ 8:00am > fell asleep @ 8:30am! slept till 12:30pm - worked from house in afternoon > got to work @ 4:00pm stayed till 8:30pm - feeling good today except can already feel the confusion caused by klonopin - klonopin definitly makes the parnate doses smoother - worried about sleep tonight! - have not heard back from my email to pdoc > pharm let me have 20mg ambien for tonight - so far i am happy w/ parnate w/ the exception of insomnia - i do not feel like i have gotten the full effect yet > i do not need klonopin for anxiety, the parnate takes care of that.
<--> D A Y . 2 0 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 1 . 3 0 ) --> 7 0 m g --> sleep 4:00am on 20mg ambien & .5mg klonopin >slept till 9:30 - could have slept more > made myself get up to have a chance to sleep earlier tonight - have not heard from pdoc on ambien replacement and I'm out > will have to take klonopin tonight - both ambien & klonopin missing pills in my own household! - fell asleep in den chair @10:30 -till 12:00 - after sleeping more again mood down and feel a little hyper - helped put christmas tree up then finally went for some exercise (walked 2.5 miles) - stomach cramps for 2cnd day in a row made it uncomfortable - barely made it back - feeling better mood and stomach wise in evening - took .5 klonopin @ 10:30 pm in hopes of falling to sleep by 2:00 am
<--> D A Y . 1 9 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 1 . 2 9 ) --> 7 0 m g --> 2:00am just now starting to get tired! Emailed pdoc on sleep med advice - fell asleep @ 4:00am on 20mg ambien > slept soundly > woke at 9:15am - have taken 30mg parnate by 11:15am > still not totally awake - became more alert around noon - didn't get to work till 4:00pm (dead car battery) > stayed till 6:30pm - pretty good mood all day - no s/e problem except for evening come down > not quite as harsh as has been - still have not started to work out!
<--> D A Y . 1 8 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 1 . 2 8 ) --> 7 0 m g --> 1:30am wide awake! fell asleep @ 3:30am on 20mg ambien > slept good until 10:30am - blew off 8:30am business meeting - feeling crappy and disgusted w/ myself this morning for sitting around all day yesterday > maybe if would have been more active and exercised i could have gotten to sleep earlier and made my morning meeting! now i will probably have problems sleeping tonight after sleeping so late this morning - the parnate is giving me tight head this morning - still feeling the more sleep deprived i am the less s/e i incur - have to make a ambien / klonopin decision > i guess i will email my pdoc and let him decide > continue on 20mg ambien or go back to klonopin hoping .5mg will get me some regular sleep! felt better later in the day > thinking about going back 60mg parnate - still did not work out!
<--> D A Y . 1 7 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 1 . 2 7 ) --> 7 0 m g --> fell asleep @1:15pm on 10mg ambien > slept restlessly till 7:00am - ate breakfast then napped in den chair 2.5hrs - feel ok today but parnate doses are hitting hard today s/e wise > tight head along a couple of lightheadedness episodes near fainting once? - seems the more i sleep the less parnate i should take - long uncomfortable comedown in evening after last dose @ 5:30pm - disappointed - thought these days were behind me! still have not worked out > feeling to lazy > even though i know it would help sleep wise
<--> D A Y . 1 6 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 1 . 2 6 ) --> 7 0 m g --> fell asleep @ 1:00am on 10mg ambien > slept restlessly until 6:00am - went to work at 9:00am > stayed till 4:30pm - tired all afternoon took last dose at 5:00pm - s/e from w/d is just feeling tired and lazy in evening - good mood until late evening
<--> D A Y . 1 5 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 1 . 2 5 ) --> 7 0 m g --> fell asleep @3:15am on 20mg ambien > slept very restlessly until 8:00am - felt lazy all morning - had doc appt (ent) at 2:30pm so didn’t go into work until after > stayed till 5:45pm - completed tasks well - concentration is good - keeping up w/ work even w/ reduced work schedule - mood was good all day > especially since sleep is so bad! doc said i could start working out again (after sleep apnea surgery) - gotten out of the habit and feel so lazy from the parnate plus the cold weather > maybe ill start tomorrow
<--> D A Y . 1 4 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 1 . 2 4 ) --> 7 0 m g --> fell asleep @ 3:00am on 20mg ambien > woke 8:30am - good energy all day - taking 60mg dose parnate but feel like I would do better on higher dose > only side effects I have are when a dose wears off - went to work at noon and stayed till 6:00pm > was able to complete a lot of work - feel pretty good mood wise > feel impatient at times
<--> D A Y . 1 3 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 1 . 2 3 ) --> 6 0 m g --> fell asleep about 1:30am on 20mg ambien > woke 7:00am - most normal night of sleep since going off klonopin - had energy and felt pretty good > until 6:30pm when I felt like I needed a nap - got 2cnd wind though - still having fairly hard come down in evenings - but i feel a lot better than yesterday
<--> D A Y . 1 2 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 1 . 2 2 ) --> 6 0 m g --> fell asleep about 3:30am on 10mg ambien - woke 8:00am > made myself stay in bed and sleep off and on till 10:30am - missed work - tired & unmotivated all day - disappointed - thought after getting some sleep I would feel pretty good > but instead having worst day in last 6
<--> D A Y . 1 1 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 1 . 2 1 ) --> 6 0 m g --> didn’t fall asleep till about 2:30am last night even though I took 20mg ambien - woke 7:30am > at work by 8:30am - felt good even though I was tired > went thru parnate quick and ran out of gas by noon > stayed till 4:30pm - took 10mg when i got home for 60mg total - each day w/o klonopin is feeling better - i think once im thru w/ klonopin w/d and start to get some sleep i am going to feel good
<--> D A Y . 1 0 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 1 . 2 0 ) --> 5 0 m g --> didn’t fall asleep until 3:00am last night even though I took 20mg ambien - woke 7:00am - I think this is mostly due to klonopin w/d and not parnate - felt better than yesterday but due to lack of sleep not great - made it to work by 10:30am but ran out of gas at 3:00pm > stayed till 5:00pm
<--> D A Y . 0 9 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 1 . 1 9 ) --> 5 0 m g --> dropped klonopin completely last night - had to take 20mg ambien again to sleep - unmotivated - getting tired late in day > feeling just like coming off dexedrine in evening w/ blurry eyesight - emailed pdoc > he says im going up to fast > but upped my next script to 60mg/ day per my request - not feeling quite as good today only b/c lack of motivation is beginning to get old - i have got a lot of work to do and just don't feel like working > im writing this at 4:15pm and haven't gone into work yet
<--> D A Y . 0 8 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 1 . 1 8 ) --> 5 0 m g --> dropped to .25 klonopin last night - had to take 20mg ambien to get to sleep - felt the need to take 50mg parnate today - not very motivated today but feeling fine - didn't get to work until 3:00pm but stayed till 7:30pm
<--> D A Y . 0 7 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 1 . 1 7 ) --> 4 0 m g --> made it back to work today - had good energy until 5:00pm > ran completely out of gas - felt like I needed to take 50mg - still feeling as good as I ever did on lexapro
<--> D A Y . 0 6 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 1 . 1 6 ) --> 4 0 m g --> no tired spells at all today - already feeling as good as I ever did on lexapro - thinking about dropping the .5 klonopin for sleep and go to 10mg ambien - sleeping restlessly
<--> D A Y . 0 5 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 1 . 1 5 ) --> 3 0 m g --> not nearly as tired today - dropped from .75mg to .5mg klonopin last night - mood up again slightly
<--> D A Y . 0 4 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 1 . 1 4 ) --> 2 0 m g --> less tired each passing day - still unmotivated - missed work - slight increase in mood
<--> D A Y . 0 3 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 1 . 1 3 ) --> 1 8 m g --> woke 8:30am -- tired but not as tired as yesterday - I think tiredness due to w/d from dexedrine and not parnate - mood not improved - missed work - totally unmotivated - at end of day slight mood increase
<--> D A Y . 0 2 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 1 . 1 2 ) --> 1 7 m g --> woke 10am - been tired all day - mood not improved - missed work - totally unmotivated
<--> D A Y . 0 1 --> ( 2 0 0 3 . 1 1 . 1 1 ) --> 1 5 m g --> to start today - took @ 15mg - just a feeling of tightness in brain - but did not miss dexedrine