Posted by ace on November 27, 2003, at 16:35:24
In my quest to say farewell to OCD I am trying 50mg of the dopaminergic Amisulpride (Solian).
Can anyone extrapolate on what they think the added dopamine to my already pro-dopamine brain (thanks to 90mg Nardil) will do?
I believe Ace will become even happier (Oh, by the way, have I mentioned Nardil creates these feelings too?!!), motivated, talkative and OCD GONE!
Maybe added sedative effects too...
Let Mr. Ace know your opinions...
Ace...Copyright 2003 Ace. Any part of this post can be published, reprinted, publicly aired, mocked, laughed at, torn to bits, kissed, spat on, put in a frame, etc etc and Mr. Ace can't do a damn thing about it!