Posted by cookie0876 on November 25, 2003, at 23:04:40
In reply to Re: was it a seizure ?, posted by T_R_D on November 25, 2003, at 9:46:17
Have you done drugs in the past? The reason I ask is that I used to do speed. A lot of people I know who did speed, too, had this happen to them in their sleep. It would start in your head and chest, vibrate all through your body and then you could almost hear a roaring in your head. I found out it is called sleep paralysis. Some people actually induce this on purpose because they think it helps in out of body experiences. It is supposedly harmless. The thing is that I now have these same types of eurythmic vibrations during the day. I finally saw an MD instead of a shrink recently and he did actually suggest partial complex seizures. I am scheduled for an EKG, and maybe you should have one as well. Find out a little more about sleep paralysis, too. I used to have the occassional twitch when I fell asleep too quickly, and I know this seizure feeling in the brain is much scarier and far different. i was very freaked out about mine as well. Hope this helped.