Posted by curiousmama on November 23, 2003, at 11:15:53
Hi all,
I have read many of your posts regarding Klonopin, and have found your information so helpful and interesting. However, I have some questions regarding how often to take it. I personally just started taking 1mg/day of Klonopin in the evening and it really seems to help with my anxiety that seems to creep up as the sun goes down. At this point I haven't needed to take it during the day because I take Effexor in the a.m and that seems to help. I am curious to know what would happen if I only took it on an as need basis at night when I am feeling really anxious. I know that it is used as an anti-seizure med as well, so I fear that if I use it one day, and then not the next, if that is something that will bring on a seizure (even though I am not seizure prone). Taking Effexor, I know that if I miss a day of that I am in big trouble with withrawl symptoms. Just curious if anyone out there has had experience using Klonopin here and there, vs. every day. Any response or suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks!