Posted by bobbyswitchblade on November 1, 2003, at 15:17:22
hello, I was diagnosed with depression when I was 16 and just turned 23. In that time I have explored every possibility and recieved ECTwhich helped at first and then left me more disfunctional than ever. The only other treatment that ever helped was taking adderal(stimulant) which worked beautifully foe three months and then I hit my 21 birthday, drank a few times and the drug just stopped working. I had the same experience with ECT. I was done with meds, begged for ECT, after 7 treatments it worked, I felt like a new man and so I decided to celebrate by drinking which I had previouly shunned after rrealizing the risks. As before, a few night of drinking suddenly through ma back into a black hole. I should also mention that alcohol has, when I've felt at my worst, had no effect on me. I would get hungover but never really feel drunk, just strangely numb. Presently I am seeing a wholistic doctor and considering the idea of adrenal disfunction. I submited to a saliva test and the results show that I have depressed morning cortisol levels which are elevated the in the night time. He prescrible low-dose hydrocortisone and dhea augmentation. Everything I read about these things seems contridictory and I do not no what course of action to take. My symptoms are fatigue, poor memory, dizziness and a general lack of clarity in my thinking. Any advice on any of these matters would be much apppreciated. I am just at a loss.