Posted by tensor on October 29, 2003, at 1:01:46
Hi all,
I've been taking remeron for five years for depression and it has really helped me over the years. But im also suffering from soc phobia, anxiety and panic disorder. I've tried many, many meds in combo with remeron, from anafranil(klomipramine) to prozac and buspar. Finally I convinced my pdoc that klonopin might be a solution and so i've been taking remeron+klonopin for the last two years.
It used to work but for about a year ago i've become more frequently depressed. Tried once to add edronax(reboxetine) but it only helped for a while, it also made my prostate to ache. SSRI´s are no good to me. I became depressed a month a ago and haven't recover since, it just keep getting worse.
So now im asking what to try. Im out of ideas. Should I try to switch from klonopin to xanax? I read in a previous post that xanax has mood lifting effect, while klonopin could be depressant. I should add that klonopin is working pretty good against soc phobia and panic disorder but less good against anxiety.
What are the downsides of xanax compared to klonopin? I take 15mg of remeron and 2-4mg of klonopin daily.
Please, give me some ideas, tell me your experiences. I will see my pdoc in a few days and want to have some own ideas, or else he will just prescribe whatever pops up in his mind..Thanks for your time,