Posted by Aurore on October 28, 2003, at 21:59:35
I started Strattera a week and a half ago and am noticing very little difference in myself. I know I'm supposed to wait three weeks or so but so many people have reported noticing a difference within a few days or a week.
I am 22 and finally had myself diagnosed when my husband and I realized that I had some issues that were seriously impairing my life and our relationship. Major problems are distractibility, fatigue, lack of motivation, unable to settle down to sleep early/unable to wake up in the morning, restlessness as in unable to sit for long periods (hate going to movies), inability to complete projects or chores, disorganization. Most syptoms have been present since childhood. Also depression and social anxiety, but until I get the add treated I consider those side effects. It's depressing to feel like such a loser and difficult to face people when you have no self-confidence and expect yourself to always let others down. I also have racing-mind issues and easily zone out when others are talking to me. Tell me the most exciting story you can think of and still, next thing I know I'm thinking about the black hole theory (or something equally unimportant and generally spacey) and what did you just say??
The issues that concern me most are the fatigue, lack of motivation, and my inability to focus/think clearly. I just feel like I want to sit and do nothing all day, and it's like I have to have an inner battle with myself to get anything done. Even then, I'll walk to the room where the chore needs to be done and forget entirely what I'm there to do and end up aimlessly surfing the web or something. My concern is that I have felt a physical sense that the strattera is working on me, as in slight dizzyness, feeling somewhat keyed up, etc, but so far I feel lazier than ever if anything, and my mind seems to work only slightly better. My husband says that I seem less emotionally unstable lately, and my sleep has been more regular/early, but otherwise he hasn't seen any changes. I'm afraid that because these meds are made for adHd, and I have add-without-the-H, that they might have a completely undesirable sedating effect on me. I took 25mg of Strattera from Mon-Fri and 50mg from Sat-today and will continue on 50 as far as I know (I am 120 lbs).
If I still feel this way when I go back to the doctor in a few weeks what should I consider? Supplement the Strattera with stimulants, maybe? My mother dated a man long long ago who abused Ritalin, and after her stories I am loathe to take it (or maybe I'm kidding myself and the Strattera is really just as bad).
I like to be prepared with the facts when I go to the doc because it IS a low-income clinic and those doctors always seem in a hurry to get done with you and you then have to wait three more weeks if the meds aren't right. So any and all suggestions and related experiences are very much appreciated.