Posted by Ron Jones on October 15, 2003, at 15:09:30
How does it work and do you know anything about the inositol monophoshate enzyme and PKC .I have done resaearch on it.Why does lithium cause thyroid problems.How can a simple minerial salt do all they claim it does?Does it really effect gene expression?Research at Duke University by Dr.York on enzymes that it effects.Is large dose magnesium better than lithium?Used to be main treatment before WW 2 .Why does choline stop mania?What does calcium hometsatsis have to do with manic depression?Can you help me here? Is the inositol brain depletion theory true?Evidence says it is not.What role does IP4 play in calcium regulation ?What role does Ip3 play.Why does inositol stop brain cell kindling.Why would it not stop mania or does it cause mania?Need your help.
poster:Ron Jones