Posted by BarbaraCat on October 13, 2003, at 13:13:31
In reply to Glug of D?? » BarbaraCat, posted by katia on October 12, 2003, at 15:30:56
Hi Katia,
I never found it again either. Lost in space I guess. From what I can remember, the main point was to reconsider your plan to ask your doc for Antabuse. I've never personally done it but I know of others who have. It is very hard on the liver and affects the Cytochrome P450 enzyme that metabolizes our meds and other substances. It can deactivate your psych meds after all this work plus leave you feeling awful. Some reports on birth defects also and not just during pregnancy. You also have to sometimes sit in the pharmacy while the pharmacist monitors your drinking it. You can't just go home with a prescription but have to show up at the pharmacy every day. Very embarrassing and inconvenient. This may not be true if didn't get a DUII but chances are you won't take it on your own which will defeat the purpose. It also does nothing for the craving, only makes you terribly sick.An other alternative that's gotten good results is Naltrexone. It's been used primarily for herion addiction as an opiod antagonist, reduces the desire to get high and works on alcohol and other substances. You just don't feel it, no high, and soon there's no more hankering after a nice little drinky-poo because it's just a flat silly experience. Isn't that what we want, after all? To lessen the desire for alcohol so that it isn't such a white-knuckler that makes you sick to boot? It too, like any foreign substance, isn't the healthiest for the liver but much less toxic than Antabuse. Another new one is alcamprosate, but it's not available yet in the US. So, just a thought, but really, Antabuse is nasty, nasty stuff and there are better alternatives.
You know, we'll probably get redirected to either substance abuse or alternative. It's hard enough to figure out what I'm going to eat when I'm depressed much less trying to decide which folder to move my posts over to and then try to find them again. Too much to think about. I don't know how move them myself since the majority of the threads get lost and broken, but hopefully we'll keep track of each other wherever we land.
Hope your cold is feeling better. Do you know about Yin Chaio? You can get it any most acupunture clinics or in China Town. It's the green box with little vials of 8 brown pills. You chew 4 when you're feeling that little throat tickle and 2 every 4 hours afterward, and by God, the gunks are gone. Amazing stuff. It's been working for me and family and friends for the past 15 years.
How you doing, BTW? I'm a bit better the past few days. We got a hot tub/spa to soak my poor fibro bones in and I started to do stretches in the warm water, Stretching is supposedly so good when in the midst of a fibro flare. Yeah, right - one more thing to flog myself into when I'm hurting and tired and depressed. But in the tub it was so enjoyable. It got my chi moving and the energy fired up again. Amazing how that works to brighten a mood. But I'm under not any delusions that anyone can 'just do it' when they feel like what's the use plus feeling like sh*t. You take care. - Barbara
> Hi Barb,
> Just wanted to let you know I never was able to access that post "a glug of D" that you sent on Oct. 8th. I think it got lost in a redirect perhaps? I emailed Dr. Bob about it, but I guess it's lost. just wanted to let you know that. and I wasn't ignoring you! What did you say in it?
> Sorry to hear you're feeling depressed. I've been sick with a cold for the past five days, so w/ all the cold medication and feeling like crap physically, it's hard to access accurately how my mood is.
> I'm at 25mg of lam and now down to 375mg of Dep.
> let me know how you're doing Barb.
> Katia