Posted by AndyD on September 28, 2003, at 17:33:48
My name is Andy. Some of you might have seen me post from time to time trying to get some information on meds and how to overcome anxiety, panic and worse the agoraphobia. Well after the gulf I sttarted with this affliction. It snowballed to the point where I wasnt really sure of anything. I started to talk about taking meds, asking questions on the board, trying to get the courage up to try them (klonopin). I think it was Matts messgae that finally made me do it. That was a week ago. I felt much better than normal after the first day. This morning I got up, took a shower and decided to drive to Louisville, somewhere I hadnt been in years. I felt a small amount of anticipatroy anxiety and off I went. As I approached the end of my safe heart began to speed up....and than I felt nothing...normal! That was it. So good in fact after I got to Louisville I headed south and drove all the way to Decatur, Alabama. I just got home. I just drove because I could- I just wanted to share this because I fought the feelings of dread. The meds didnt make them go away, just made them so much easier to deal with. After dealing with them, I felt normal. Fight the fear people, fight the fear. Do not let the fear scare you, in fact as I was approaching the end of my safe zone...I said bring it on, BRING IT ON!!!! But I meant it. It had no was gone, less scary than someone going BOO! Hope this gives someone out there the courage to do the same. Thanks Matt- and by the way this is on .25mg Klonopin twicw a day. One upon waking and the other about 5-6 pm. Best of luck to you all-