Posted by MB on September 20, 2003, at 22:55:24
I'm taking 3mg Klonopin and 10mg Lexapro daily (Lexapro at night and the Klonopin in divided doses). I complained to my doc about anorgasmia, and I asked about switching to Serzone. Serzone hasn't been that great in the past, but I'm finding the Lexapro (while better than nothing) still mediocre at a switch back to Serzone wouldn't worry me. He said that it might be the Klonopin causing the sexual dysfunction as much as the Lexapro (he says he hasn't had any patients on Lexapro complain of anorgasmia). Anyway, I agree that the Klonopin might be contributing to the problem, but I've taken 5mg/day of Lexapro in the past *without* Klonopin, and I had the same anorgasmia, so I'm pretty sure the Lexapro is playing a major role in causing this sexual problem. He told me that many times adding a low dose of Wellbutrin reverses the anorgasmia. Has anyone had success using Wellbutrin this way? My understanding is that it's kind of a myth. Any opinions?
ps. My doc didn't mention this, but a friend told me he heard that a low dose of Remeron at bedtime can reverse this problem as well. Any truth to this?