Posted by BMS on August 29, 2003, at 16:21:16
I took adderall XR for almost a year (was also taking paxil during the time) my primary problem was severe depression. A doctor gave me adderall because of symptoms of ADD (non-hyperactive). Once I added the Adderall I felt great, better than I had in my entire life (no depression). I took about 30 mg of adderall daily for nearly a year- it would lose its effectiveness from time to time, but I would go off of it for a few days (which was painful) but when I went back on I would feel great again. My biggest problem began when I got a non XR prescription. I didn’t think anything of it at first, but it didn’t work as long and the crash was bad when it would wear off. So I made sure I get back to the XR for the next refill. But I was horrified when the XR was only marginally effective, even when I went off of it for a week. I decided to try to go off of the adderall altogether. (Maybe eventually I would be back to my normal depressed self I was before the drugs.) After 4 months of summer I still felt horrible and as worse as ever. Its like I cant feel good, like the neurons on my brain wont release dopamine or something. I’m now back at college and just started taking the adderall again because I was feeling more terrible with no desire to live. I feel so-so with the adderall now, but still not real good, even after not taking it for 4 months. I just don’t know what to do. I’m in bad shape. Does my story make any sense? Any advice would be appreciated.