Posted by Sean2003 on July 30, 2003, at 12:34:57
In reply to Larry Hoover, Re: Pfeiffer, posted by McPac on July 27, 2003, at 23:18:25
I was interested to read your postings - i'm on *exactly* the same Pfeiffer regiment (except i added St. John's because i felt i needed it). I haven't gone through my second test results yet - should i even bother?
So far i'm not all that impressed. I submitted my 'monthly report' something like 6 weeks ago which had some questions and concerns and have heard NOTHING. My histamine was high - can't remember the exact # offhand, but not quite as high as yours...also a problem with zinc metabolism...and malabsorption issues according to hair anal. Nurse was talking about adding the $400 stool analysis in the follow-up testing as being beneficial. I don't know what to think. On the one hand it was helpful to actually get some test results rather than haphazardly trying one thing after another on my own...on the other hand, i haven't improved as much as i hoped i would (mainly depression and some OCD stuff)(it's been about 3 months) and their lack of response is really frustrating. BTW do you order your nutrients from their pharmacy or get them on your own? Are you also taking high amounts of calcium/magnesium?
> TMG will enhance your natural formation of SAMe, via methionine.
> >>>>>>>>>>Lar, I suppose it may be a LOT cheaper to just increase the TMG instead of me buying and taking SAM-e....but it seems that a lot of times when you try taking a precursor (i.e. the TMG) instead of the actual 'target' agent (SAM-e) that it doesn't work as well...that something gets 'lost' in the intended conversion process or just doesn't happen as well as it's supposed to.....taking actual SAM-e appears to have a much better effect on me than taking this the correct 'flowchart' by the way---TMG>methionine>Sam-e? (taking the SAM-e appears more effective TO ME than what the TMG & methionine were doing).
> >>> I started taking SAM-e it ok to take SAM-e everyday (or is this not a good idea? i.e., will your body stop making it on its own (or something to that effect?)
> I have no idea, but it's reasonable that there may be a feedback inhibition of SAMe synthesis if there's a lot of it floating around.
> >>>>>>>>>>Lar, how would someone know which supps they were taking had such a feedback inhibition process? It would seem that any time someone took supplements on their own that they may be affecting the body's feedback inhibition process....and when/if they stopped taking the particular supp(s), they could be negatively affected because the body may have stopped or at least curtailed its own production of said supp(s)....which makes me hesitant to 'tinker' much on my own?
> Or, add in the "forbidden" supps, one at a time, and see if they do anything.
> >>>>>>>>>I LOVE that---the 'forbidden' Pfeiffer's like Adam & Eve in the garden, only they're reaching for the forbidden folic acid instead of the apple!!!
> I appreciate that. The reason I raised the issue at all is that you are paying Pfeiffer for advice that isn't working.
> >>>>>>>>>>It may be doing something, although apparently NOT according to their may be helping but it's definitely NOT because of lowered histamine levels.
> All I can offer you is another form of advice. It may or may not be of any value to you, either.
> >>>>>>>>>> Your advice is ALWAYS very valuable to me Lar! I've learned a LOT from reading your posts on this board (I save many of them on my 'puter).
> Combining SAMe with SJW (and, presumably, while you're still on Remeron) would require careful monitoring. It can be done. It's a dose issue.
> >>>>>>>>>>Lar, would SJW cancel out the need(purpose) of taking SAM-e? In other words, take enough SJW (in conjunction with the Remeron of course) and then the SAM-e isn't necessary? Or does SAM-e possess a mood-enhancing effect that SJW does not have? I PREFER to take AS FEW of the "KEY" pills/supps that I can to get the same desired effect (i.e., I'd rather take EITHER choice (1) Remeron + Sjw OR (2) Remeron + SAM-e.
> Any thoughts on which combo might be more effective?
> If you decide to try adding in SJW, just make sure that you are familiar with the early signs of serotonin syndrome, in case it becomes an issue for you, and your unique metabolism.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>OK, I understand that.....but wouldn't Remeron + SJW have a VERY low chance of producing serotonin syndrome, since Remeron + an SSRI is allowable? Again Lar, THANKS for all your help! IF I can use Rem/SJW or Rem/SAM-e for my anti-dep. that would be HUGE! Saying adios for good to SSRI's would be a godsend! TAKE CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!