Posted by Craig Allen on July 20, 2003, at 16:41:17
i'm an atypical depression, possible bipolar II, as a lot of us appear to be on this board. i've gotten a very good and very brief response to different drugs over the last several months. my one constant is effexor xr 300mg daily. i get some help from it, not nearly enough. i was started on abilify a few months back - felt great for about a week, then nothing. i messed with the dose but i couldn't get any response. same story for seroquel. 4 great days, then nothing. increased and decreased the dose, still nothing. last week, i was started on lithium 600mg daily. again a much improved mood for 3 days, then nothing. i'm still on it, but based on this frustrating history of transient response, i'm not hopeful. anyone else have experiences like these?
poster:Craig Allen