Posted by MB on July 10, 2003, at 10:58:54
I've been reading mixed "reviews" (reviews? that kinda sounds weird in reference to a medication, but anyway) about this drug. The side effects seem to be almost as bad as SSRI side effects, and it doesn't seem to control the ADHD as well as the stims. Plus, it takes weeks to work, where stims take minutes. Do you think this medication will sorta "replace" stim use for ADHD the way SSRIs have sorta "replaced" benzo use for anxiety? (ps. I know benzos are still widely used, but usually not until after an SSRI failure and the sawing off of one's own left leg).
I'm thinking about how well benzos work for anxiety. Also, they work in minutes. I don't think SSRIs work as well, they take weeks to kick in. Still, SSRIs are prescribed more often for anxiety than benzos (at least it appears so from the complaints that abound on this board about the difficulty in obtaining prescriptions for these medications). I don't think this difficulty is predicated on the SSRIs' greater effectiveness against anxiety, I think it has to do with the liability fears that doctors have regarding the prescription of scheduled medications. Doctors use "tolorance" and "dose escalation" as excuses, but these aren't issues when treating anxity/panic. They're only issues when treating insomnia (and then, only sometimes). The excuses are just fear based (my conspiracy-theorist opinion).
Do you think the same thing is going to happen with Strattera? Will stims be "pushed aside".
What is the motive behind my concern? Hidden agenda? Well, I have to admit: I *like* stims. Adderall was the only medication that made me feel better *enough*, whatever "enough" means. I guess "enough" means that I didn't wonder how much longer I could hold out before topping myself. I spend a lot of time thinking, "well if it gets bad enough, I could probably get back on stims." It would be hard, because I *did* escalate the dose, which is a no-no, and I'm sure a doc would be reluctant to represcribe. However, once I got off the SSRI I was taking with the Adderall, I was able to drop my Adderal dose back down to normal (I think I was trying to counter the SSRI induced apathy by increasing my Adderall dosage). So, there might be an addictivity issue where this drug and I are concerned, but I favor it to suicidality and intractable, lethargic apathy (SSRI). Getting back on stims (if I have to) has been a trump card I've held onto. But now here comes Strattera, and I fear that the stims will go bye-bye.
I probably sound like a total drug addict, but I don't care anymore. After 15 years of this crud, I just want to feel better. I'm sure some of you understand.