Posted by nmk on July 4, 2003, at 15:05:47
In reply to Re: My pdoc suggests abilify, I am so confused » nmk, posted by Barbara Cat on July 2, 2003, at 15:35:03
> Nicole,
> I have some pretty strong opinions about this subject. I've been in this mood disorder merry go round for almost 30 years and one thing is certain. Most pdocs do not even consider the area below the head. Few ever suggest a thorough blood workup and instead try excessive polypharmacy to treat each new symptom that emerges from a mind AND body that are ill. If you look at your physical and mood symptoms, even though they may look like separate issues, you begin to realize that they are ALL CONNECTED! OF COURSE there is a hormonal connection! First and formost, hormones are the chemical messenger systems THROUGHOUT the body and brain. For example, primary neurohormone receptors critically need the right amount of estrogen and progesterone to be 'primed'. The wrong amount of estrogen causes thyroid problems. Too low testosterone, even in women, cause loss of libido, fatigue, loss of muscle mass. Low human growth hormone causes muscle aches, disregulation of the pituitary. These are key systems that regulate everything, among which is mood. You might temporarily alleviate mood disorder symptoms through psychopharmacology, but down the line, especially during menopause, those hormonal issues will emerge with a vengeance! You really can't fool Mother Nature.
> Why the decline in hormones? Stress, which damages the limbic system's ability to regulate hormones. That's really where the source lies, but it's not so easy treating a brain center that is so deeply protected. Treating with supplementary natural bioidentical hormones is a good idea IF testing is done first to measure levels. Run from any doc who foists hormones on you 'just to see if you feel better'. Run from any doc who says they don't use tests because most won't order them because truth be known, THEY CAN'T READ THEM! I ended up with precancerous uterine hyperplasia from one clueless HMO doc's guessing because he 'didn't know what to do with the blood test results'. I later find out that many holistic and naturopathic docs routinely monitor hormone levels with blood and/or saliva testing because it is so important. My current naturopath is incredibly hip to all of this stuff that I've been suspecting for some time now. I have great hope that we're on to something.
> My very strong opinion is both systems have to work together. You can add layer after layer of this or that med and it's like beating a dead horse if your depleted of endocrine hormones or other biophysical necessities. What happens is these numerous meds interact, poop out, get confused. Their receptors eventually get clogged or reduce in number, creating a vicious cycle of yet more/different meds. At the same time, you can't just go off meds hoping your physical tune up will do the trick. It takes time to fine tune hormones and you need neurological support until your body systems are attended to, stable, and you can start supplementing with nutrient that support neuro functioning. I think it is a travesty the way we depend upon our pdocs to make us better, but they don't get it that it's not just our heads that are unhappy. I'm sorry you're having these med problems. Me too, but if you trust this doctor, insist he tests you first. If not, find another holistic doc who will work with you. - Barbara
Thank you for so eloquently stating what I have been suspecting for the last few years. For a doctor to deny that every psychiatric event in my life had no connection whatsoever to the reproductive events in my life is beyond belief. My two bouts with major depression were both followed by the births of my children. My monthly mood cycling almost always corresponds to the luteal phase of my cycle. For a pdoc to continue to treat the symptoms by throwing the latest and greatest meds at the problem only compounds matters and never addresses the core issue. Medical models and treatment modalities are based on male physiology, blatantly ignoring the uniqueness of the female body.
Dr. Deborah Sichel's book, Women's Moods, should be read by all women who are being treated for clinical depression, etc. More importantly, it should be read by pdoc's who prescribe these meds without understanding how these meds can be enhanced-or even replaced- by adding estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.
The holistic MD that I consulted with last week took half of my blood out of my body and is testing for everything. He will then prescribe natural Tri-estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone that will change in response to monthly blood levels. Also, all prescriptions are made by a compounding pharmacist.
I figure at this point it can't hurt to try this approach since I am convinced my erratic hormones are the cause of my cycling from month to month.
Thank for your support Barbara. I appreciate the time you have taken to listen and respond with such insight and clarity. I will keep you posted.