Posted by Francesco on July 2, 2003, at 13:53:50
Tonight I will stop Celexa cold turkey. This stuff changes my personality in very unpleasant ways. It makes me less emphatetic, I am bored for most of my time (and I bore the others too), I don’t have nothing to say when I’m with my friends and my girl, I eat and drink alcohol in compulsive way, my head is empty, sometimes I’m aggressive without any reason, I am less coordinated, I tremble, I am more absent minded than ever, I forget things, I have no motivation of doing anything, I don’t enjoy myself anymore in doing anything, I don’t laugh anymore, I’m sleepy most of time, I drink about ten coffees a day, I’m more depressed and less confident, I talk to offend people without any control, my erection is not so good, my creativity has gone, suicidal thoughts ... but I have experienced no nausea !!! (this is the good point)
None of the above was a typical problem of mine. My main problem was “difficulty in concentration”. I discovered by myself that I have ADHD and I found a doc in Rome who has written something about ADHD in adult people. I hope he will let me try stims or Wellbutrin or at least that he will believe me (it’s ten years that I read books about depression and OCD without recognizing the syntomps). Until the appointment with the doc I will try fish oil and ginko biloba. I hope my experience with SSRIs will end tonight.