Posted by Rainbowlight on June 27, 2003, at 20:54:49
I know exactly what you mean about the dizziness. I have been on a few meds that made me feel like my head would explode, like someone was hanging me upside down. It was awful. Now that you mentioned it, I don't do well in the heat either. I realized today how cranky/depressed it makes me. Where I live it can get to 100 plus in the summer, I hate it. I want to move back near the ocean someday. The good news is that the pdoc gave me back the Restoril no problem (thank goodness!), the bad news is she isn't exactly sure what is causing the hairloss either. She suspected the Lamictal, HOWEVER, it never gave me a problem for almost 2 years. I went to get the pharmacists opinion. Said it could be the Lamictal, the Remeron, OR the weight loss/diet. Gee, they are big helps huh? LOL! Pdoc and I figured wait awhile, take the B12 complex 3X a day as suggested by the pharmacist, and see what happens. Neither one of us wants to mess with my meds again. I went through HELL trying to get them straight (I think YOU might remember some of my panic mode :) Just the THOUGHT of changing mood stabilizers scares the crap out of me. The pharmacist said to try to find Hibiscus oil, said if you rub it on the scalp it helps keep the hair from falling out, told pdoc, she suggested "I" try it to see how it goes, and then if it works she will give it a go! Told me I could be the guinea pig! We had a good laugh over that. Have you ever tried light therapy for the seasonal depression? I have heard it works wonders. At least you have your mood changes figured out. I know how frustrating it is not to know when they're coming. So your meds don't keep the depressions at bay huh? My med combo pretty much keeps the depression at bay. It totally amazes me though that I have a COMPLETELY different outlook on life by just adding 12.5 mgs. of Zoloft to my meds. It is truly a wonder drug for me.