Posted by John2222 on May 9, 2003, at 23:51:47
After taking Effexor XR for approximately a year (up to 112.5 and 150 mg/day), I am trying to taper and quit it. It did a fine job of helping with mild depression and anxiety during the year.
HOWEVER, I am having trouble (HELL) trying to quit. I'm down to 1/2 of 37.5 and experiencing constant high frequency ringing in my ears and head.
But my question is...with lots of other having same withdrawal problems, what are the other anti-deprssants/GAD's that are worth considering? Or is withdrawal from all of them this bad?
It's like the cure (withdrawal) is worse than the disease (depression/gad).
I took Zoloft about 10 years ago for awhile, and had none of these problems during withdrawal, but honestly I don't think it was as good at relieving the deprssion.
Am I in a catch 22? Only the worst AD's work?
I am soooo frustrated and now fearful of ever getting off this, and ever trying anything else!