Posted by ace on April 15, 2003, at 2:58:51
Hey my brothers and sisters,
This is hard to say...but, It looks as if my days with Nardil are numbered. I still love her, but she is not doing enough for the OCD, she still abondens me at crucial times to the anxiety. But she has been good...she has never ever abonded me to depression. Hmmm - enough of this soppiness! I"M ANGRY!!! Why couldn't Nardil do the whole friggin' job! We only had 40% OCD to wipe up and 15% anxiety. So close...but so far away.
Anyhow, check ot my above posts about Clonidine for more reasons for my explanation.
1. Parnate (If Clonidine + Nardil don't work, I don't think it will)
2. Clomipramine
and heaps more which are silly now to wright down.
I've left the Antipsychotics very, very, last line.
Actually I have one more qstn I discussed with my doc today (I had my 4th and probably last blood plasma Lithium test)
Officially Tegretol is contraindicated with Nardil, but is it one of those drugs you can get away with??
Anyhow, send your condolences, comments, cards, to me.Ace.
PS If and when I do discontinue (It's very likely) Nardil I will advertise the funeral arrangements here!