Posted by ladylight57 on April 11, 2003, at 17:10:13
I'm in the midst of trying to make some decisions regarding medication. I've recently weaned myself off of Effexor XR, which seemed to work very well for me for a long time. But I got very tired of the side effects and weaned off about 3 weeks ago. That is a story in and of itself.
I am feeling overwhelmed, depressed, anxioius and generally hopeless about this whole medication issue. When I last went to see my p-doc she pretty much gave me the choice of either Remeron or Serzone, since I've tried many SSRI's and not been able to tolerate the side effects. She suggested I not try Paxil or Lexapro.
I feel so incapable of making a decision. The Serazone scares me, the Remeron isn't even an option for me because of the weight gain and I can't imagine going back on the Effexor by default. When I called her this afternoon, she pretty much told me that these were my only choices and it was my decision...
That just sort of ticked me off, but you know, I hardly know the lady, I've only met with her twice and with the way insurance is now, they don't want to pay for any "get to know you" type appointments. I guess I'm not supposed to build that kind of relationship with a P-doc, but how can I trust her reccomendations if I don't even know her.
I've run through 2 P-docs in the last couple of months because I feel like I'm not being heard. The feeling I have is that somehow I am a squre peg trying to fit into a round hole. I have issues with being on meds, I know.......but I am feeling rejected and frustrated.
I'm sorry this is so rambling....I could sure use some perspective and some support.