Posted by blondemomints on February 12, 2003, at 19:41:40
Without making this an extremely long post, I'll try to get to the point. There is a history of mental illness in my family and my sister was diagnosed manic depressive/bipolar after trying to hang herself 6 years ago. After undergoing ect and months of hospitalization, she "gets through" life only while taking her lithium & paxil combo.
I've always been what most people call a "moody" person, I tend to roller coaster with my moods and actions. I've seen many doctors, including psychiatrists who have all told me I can't be diagnosed as bipolar because I don't fit the criteria for the diagnosis. I've never been one to stay up all night or work on things for days without sleep (like I've seen my sister do); nor have I ever gone out and spent an enormous amount of money @ one time, etc. when I couldn't afford it (another habit of my sister's). Therefore the doctors say I can't be truly diagnosed as bipolar.
The symptoms I have had for over 20 years include (but are not limited to) irritability, anxiety, depression,isolation, loss of interest in sex & activities,happy & upbeat @ times then I can plummet for no apparent reason, insomnia and a general feeling of unhappiness. I've never really felt happy (at least for any length of time I don't think) unless it has been with the aid of alcohol or medication. (And alcohol is out because I quit drinking socially about 3 years ago).
I've tried EVERY anti-depressant on the market with temporary results from some of them and disasterous results from many. The one that helps the most with my anxiety and sleep is Serzone but does nothing for depression and moodiness.
I drag through life each day, wondering why I am the way I am. Can a person be bipolar but not show all the "classic" symptoms??? Do I have some other type of mental illness???
Does anyone have any insight??? I'm all ears, waiting to hear your thoughts and appreciative if you've taken the time to read this post!