Posted by Larry Hoover on January 19, 2003, at 7:26:03
In reply to Telepsychiatry?? (prescribing), posted by SoS on January 19, 2003, at 3:16:07
> So here's the situation. I've basically been through the ringer, but now I'm on a bunch of drugs and doing um pretty well, but I've become fairly knowledgable on certain mental health topics, or at least enough to be pretty sure in recognizing problems in other people. I have this friend in Canada who I'm fairly sure is depressed (has all the symptoms) friend even admits that they think they are, BUT they won't go see anyone and I'm worried and I think medication might help. I looked all over the net and I can't find a psychiatrist finder for Canada really, and I found NOTHING for where this person lives. I found some links on this site for telepsychiatry but the only link about prescribing online wouldn't work :D I'm wondering if anyone is using this telepsychiatry thing and can they prescribe over the net? I think this person is just really against "mushy talking about feelings stuff" especially with a stranger and doesn't really understand the nature of a psychiatrist visit. SO I think this would be perfect for them IF they can prescribe. Sorry for babbling :D but I'd really appreciate any info.
> Thanks.It's really great that you want to help, but it is illegal in Canada for a presciption to be written by a doctor who has not personally examined the patient. At least in Ontario, it is also necessary to be referred to a psychiatrist by another physician, which would usually be the family doctor. Your friend has to actively seek help, which would begin with a visit to the family doctor or emergency department.
poster:Larry Hoover