Posted by freedom2001 on November 18, 2002, at 22:06:39
Follow up:
Lily and Sunflower corporation heard of readers posting their successful experiences with fish oils and decided to patent fish oils!
It filed patent no. 135-FX-OIL with the United States patent office, claiming that it was the 1st company in the world to discover the 'possible helpfulness' of fish oils in the 1970s. Lily and Sunflower produces 'memos' of two Lily and Sunflower doctors, Dr. Albert and Dr. George, who 'communicated' with each other during the summer season of 1975.
In the memo, Dr. Albert wrote, "George, I think we've got a natural anti-depressant here. You see, for the last few days, I have been accidentally taking fish oils. I mistook them for candy pills for my depression. Within a few days, my depression seems to have lifted."
Dr. George replied "This merits more research. I shall take them myself for my depression too."
A few days later, Dr. George stormed into Dr. Albert's office and according to the memo, 'He exploded in Dr. Albert's face, claiming that Albert made him went to the toilet at least 16 times throughout the night and used up 9 rolls of toilet paper. The entire house could not be inhabited for 2 months due to the stench of the fish oils in the toilet. George has to move to another part of the town.' However, his depression was lifted completely in those few days. These were the memos that supported the claim that Lily and Sunflower Corporation had a patent on fish oil.