Posted by BrittPark on November 18, 2002, at 11:22:07
In reply to This might be a foolish question....., posted by Phyl on November 18, 2002, at 10:32:41
As far as I know all of the ADs on the market in the US would have little effect on non-depressed people, except for the side effects. This is not necessarily a good thing, because it implies that drug companies have almost certainly passed over promissing ADs because they affected (in a positive way) non-depressed people. There was an AD on the market in Europe called ameneptine, which made non-depressives feel better than normal. It was never approved (because it had "abuse" potential) in the US, and was withdrawn from the market, under heavy pressure from the US, in most other countries. Sad, since it was the only selective dopamine reuptake inhibitor on the market.