Posted by turalizz on October 29, 2002, at 4:30:54
I feel like I am really very close to something:
This summer, for the first time I felt terrific. I was (and still am) on 300mg/day moclobemide and 2.5mg/day selegiline. I felt completely out of depression, my sexual drive was wonderful, my concentration, memory, attention were at the top and I didn't have any fatigue. Also, I was doing some weight-lifting exercises every day.
Things began to change as we are getting close to winter. I don't feel like doing the exercise anymore, it seems my cronic fatigue syndrome has returned. Although I am not depressed, my concentration is not so good, and I have lost my sexual drive.
Now, I've read that selegiline increases testosterone (I believe it is true, because I had some acne and a very sharp sexual boost just after starting selegiline) and testosterone had some MAO-A inhibiting action. So, I believe selegiline and moclobemide were working synergistically to offset my testosterone deficiency, and now that it is winter and my testosterone levels fell (or the MAOI's I am taking pooped out, I don't know???) I am having trouble again.
I am almost sure that I have low testosterone levels, because my sexual developement took place very late with respect to my peers, I was always skinny etc.
Anyway, I will consult to an endocrinologist and have my androgen levels checked as soon as possible. I hope this will put a full stop to my 3 year journey of seeking mental relief that started with prozac.
Has anyone gone through this and tried testosterone replacement therapy? Did you find a way to cope with acne, because I have a very acne-prone skin. Any succes stories I would really like to hear.
best of wishes to everyone,