Posted by Julia on October 18, 2002, at 10:28:28
I hve had problems with agitated depression for 2 years, eventually responded to phenelzine, was by then hooked on 3 mg lorazepam.Over 15 months managed to wean myself off phenelzine,and down to 0.5 mg lorazepam.Then depression recuurred, and was again given phenelzine and lorazepam: resulting in bizarre motor side-effects including myoclonic jerks.benzos seem to depress me and I was not responding this time round,so went into hospital for 'detox'.this was too acute (they tried to get me off 2.25 mg lorazepam in 10 days0 Came ou on 12,5 diazepam,now 3 months later am on 6 mg and intend to wean at 1mg per fortnight.Agitation and despair have been bad, so restarted an a/d namely trimipramine -am taking 110mg.this helps me sleep, and eases the agitation but does nothing for the despair.Tried mirtazipine before trimipramine but this also gave me myoclonic jerks and postural drop.Read about SAM-e,have started it 2 weeks ago ,now on 400mg.Cannot tell whether it is making me better or worse:I am still agitated,profoundlty depressed and also have bad ME(totally exhausted and can only walk for 1-2mins.I know some of this is diazepam withdrawal,but does anyone know if SAM-e is safe/ a good idea in this situation, or will it exacerbate the agitation.I am using 'nature made' and I suppose I could increase to 800mg.Also ,can you stop itsuddenly or does it need to be tapered.Would be glad of advice ,also encouragement from any other benzo withdrawees! I hope I will improve when I am off them.I do have a sympathetic doc. but he hasn't used SAM-e before.