Posted by judy1 on October 13, 2002, at 19:02:56
In reply to Re: my latest Truehope foray, posted by cybercafe on October 13, 2002, at 16:59:13
I don't understand either- perhaps I became part of a 'human' study when I thought i was simply purchasing a product. The way it's set up though is once registered (which involves a lot of paperwork), there is the mood tracking, and telephone support with a tech asst. which is all very nice since the majority of these assts. have/had bipolar disorder. I think they were given a grant (I have trouble concentrating on reading material, so please forgive me) and perhaps all 'customers' become part of the study. again, this is not necessarily a bad thing since they do give support via phone or through your doc and once taking the supplement you have to stay in touch to get off the bipolar meds (except apparently benzos which are in the category of getting off before starting). I hope i didn't confuse you any more than i already am, but since i'm going through my pdoc now i guess it's moot. take care, judy
P.S. I think the address was