Posted by Etienne on September 25, 2002, at 22:05:14
Hello everyone.
This is my first time posting to the forum. I do so because I'm going out of my head.
I have been taking fluoxetine (Prozac) more or less continuously for just over three years. I started on it after a depressive episode in early 1999 that was debilitating and frightening. I had been on it once previously (about three years before that, so six+ years ago) because of a smaller, less serious depressive episode. I stopped it after three months (at 20 mg/d) because I found it took my motivation away.
Most of the last three years that I have been on the fluoxetine have been at 10 mg. Because of the severity of the depressive episode in 1999 I was taking L-tryptophan along with the fluoxetine for potentiation. Eventually I had to stop the L-tryptophan because I was feeling sleepy and dopey all the time. From that point forward I found the fluoxetine on its own to be very effective.
The only side effects (if you can call them that) that I've experienced have been somewhat dry eyes.
However, since I started the fluoxetine in 1999, I have made two concerted attempts to stop. I did this because my moods were stable, I was functioning well, and had successfully stopped before (after the three month course). My doctor advised that I terminate.
Both times I failed. The first time I managed to stay off for 5 weeks, the second time nearly 8 weeks. The first time I restarted the fluoxetine because I found I was much more jumpy and anxious, and the insomnia which has plagued me most of my life returned. I found a change in light perception (everything seems less bright), enhanced clarity of thought but a reduced ability to focus on one task.
The second time I had to restart because of a gradually deteriorating mood and a traumatic life event. Again I noticed the reduced sensitivity to light and a difference in colour perception (everything seems paler).
Now that the background is out of the way, I'll get to the point, which is that in both cases, when I restarted the fluoxetine (sometimes with L-tryptophan, sometimes without) I actually experienced migraines. I have a light history of migraines, but they usually only come along every 4-7 *years*. In this particular case they were coming along 4 or 5 times a week, with a pronounced aura (shimmering lights, partial blindness, etc.).
I restarted in late May after the 8 week hiatus. I started at 20 mg, after about 4 weeks I had to go back to 10 mg because of the same negative effect on motivation (and also concentration). I was fine until early August. One morning after arriving at work I noticed that I had a slight tremor in my right hand. I traced this to a muscle weakness which became gradually worse until I recognized it as migraine aura. This is the first time I have had hemiparesis as a migraine symptom. I also had episodes of numbness in the face and very subtle visual aura.
It finally became so frustrating that I increased the dose back to 20 mg and avoided trigger foods. Things seem to be improving, but very, very slowly. Now I experience the hemiparesis on an oscillating basis throughout the day, and it is very mild. It seems to get subtly better each day.
Still, it's worrisome and frustrating, particularly considering that 10 mg was safe and effective for me for so long. Moreover, at 20 mg the sexual side-effects are noticeable (I didn't have much trouble at 10 mg). Especially so now that I have started a new relationship.
Has anyone else experienced migraine *induced* by fluoxetine? What did you do to resolve it? I'd prefer to avoid adding *more* drugs to the mix -- if there's a more natural remedy I'd like to try that first. I'd also like to find an alternative to the fluoxetine, as I miss the sexual vigour I had while off. I've tried L-tryptophan on its own without too much success, but I've heard good things about 5HT. Can anyone share their experiences with it?
Sorry for the long-winded post :) Your advice and personal experience is appreciated.