Posted by Dave001 on September 2, 2002, at 19:18:39
This message is a copy of a post I made to a Usenet group. I'm hoping I might get some additional feedback from some of you here. I'm including two posts, one of which was a follow-up to someone's reply in the thread; they are separated to avoid confusion.
---------------------------------------------My depression has not responded to any of the hundreds of useless drugs available such as the SSRIs (which perform only marginally, if at all, superior to placebo in most studies), etc. Trust me, I've tried every combo and augmentation strategy known to mankind over the last 8 years. Basically, it is down to MAOIs.
But I am concerned that the MAOIs and their effect on blood pressure could have serious consequences when combined with intense physical training, such as boxing, basketball, and weightlifting (heavy).
It is mainly the idea of BP fluctuations that concern me; this does not necessarily mean hypertension, either. Could be, e.g., orthostatic hypotension combined with performing heavy squats (as if the partial 'Valsalva manuever' does not cause significant BP fluctuations on its own...).
Would anyone here with a knowledge of this subject care to comment? Any information appreciated.
What concerns me most, is the possibility of collapsing with a 500+ lb barbell resting on my traps while doing heavy squats, or similar movement which causes a temporary surge and subsequent rapid drop of BP on its own. If I only needed to take the AD until my depression were lifted, this would be of little concern; but since my depression is endogenous or "biological" in origin, I will most likely need to remain on an AD indefinitely. From what I have found in the literature, the MAOIs seem to be of special value in treating depressed patients with social anxiety problems, of which I am among...
BTW, isn't the amino acid tyrosine decarboxylated in vivo to tyramine? If so, how does protein consumption not cause problems? I try to consume at least 200 gm of protein/day.