Posted by winger on September 1, 2002, at 20:03:43
I take effexorXR and ativan for anxiety.. it helps but it's not really the real deal for me..
I'm thinking about celxa or lexapro,.
what has worked for everyone else out there.?
I tried Buspar- too short a halflife and gave me panic attacks..
in reality, before I realized what I was doing, I used to drink far too much to treat my anxiety!!
Still want to at times..
Why hasn't someone figured out the actual chemical effects of alcohol on the brain and tried to design a drug that has it's good effects without all of it's detrimental effects...
It seems like nothing is quite as anxiety relieving /without putting me to sleep/ like alcohol is...
problem is, I've gotten to where I hate to get drunk... it sucks to act stupid... and it removes too many inhibitions/takes away good judgement, not to mention the physical problems it can cause..
I just want the anxiety and associated depression gone..
so once again, what has worked for all of you all there... I'm just looking for suggestions...
meds at this time
as I'm already trying a lot of different cognitive and behavoral changes... they're just not enough - I'm wired worry it seems..!
Thanks for any input!!