Posted by mashogr8 on August 12, 2002, at 15:14:22
For about one month and a half, I was taking 45mg of Ritalin in three different doses. It was difficult for me to keep track of whtether I had remembered or forgaotten to take wither the noon or the three o'clock doses. My pdoc swithech to 36 (?) of Concerta. Within three days, I was back to my old habit of neediing to sleep constantly. I'd get up at 8 and be ready for a longggggg napby 12. Take a good two hourr nap sometime in the afternoon and I still could go to sleep at night. I don't actually know whether I was any more productive on the Ritalin than the Concerta but I thought the two were the same. Why the sleepiness with th3 Concerta? thoughts welcome so I can discuss this wiht pdoc.