Posted by shar on July 30, 2002, at 23:07:49
In reply to Re: So what are you afraid of? » shar, posted by Maximus on July 30, 2002, at 19:46:10
> > not sure that msg was meant for me, but I'm always happy to respond.
> Yes Shar, the message was for you.
> > The unremitting hostility and aggression is what bothered me about the post. That has impact on so many levels in a closed group like this, it's better, imho, to just let it go.
> Hostility and aggression? Really? Well if it is what you felt...........well, hmmm, my analysis of the post was that it was hostile and aggressive. I, myself, felt quite calm.
> Anyway, i respect your opinion.
.......thank you!
> As i said before, if a person needs to vent or express himself in a hard way due to its frustrations, i think it's a good thing (generally speaking).........we don't necessarily disagree on this point. If a person is angry, it is healthy for them to express it (I assume that is what you mean by "vent"). Like "I am so angry about..." Using "I statements" ... like, "I am furious that nobody here understands me" or "I am mad enough to spit due to X saying what she said." OTOH, "other-directed" statements like "he is a fat, stupid driver" or "everyone here lies and steals" or "this place is full of dumb, stupid people" generally is just an attack on others, not having a lot to do with the true, internal nature of the person's anger, imho. (Of course, all of my examples were totally made up, not quotes from elsewhere.)
>>Even if i have some reservations. After all isn't it a "tribune libre" here?
....Hold on, let me locate that handy-dandy web-based interpreter.......izzat Latin?......
I could not find that particular phrase, but if you mean in general to "freely allow frankness/candor" I would have to say here that exists only within strict limitations and with due consideration of the modus operandi (see admin board for an endless discussion of same).
results of my search supposing it is Latin:
tribuo : to give out, divide, allot, assign, grant, give, allow.LIBRE
liber libera, liberum : free, independent, unrestricted.
liber libri : book.
liberalis : courteous, generous, gentlemanly.
liberaliter : courteously, generously, honorably.
liberatio : release, liberation, aquittal, setting free.
libere : freely, openly, frankly.
libero : to lift (an obstacle), raise.
libero : to set free, deliver, liberate, release / exempt
libertas : freedom, liberty, independence / frankness, candor.
As always, on terra incognita