Posted by hildi on July 4, 2002, at 19:27:04
Hello to anyone who reads this. I have been getting some useful information from reading the posts but I'm still confused what to do and I don't think my pdoc is much help, at all.
I have major, unipolar depression (I believe) with severe anxiety d/o. I had been on zoloft 50mg. fpr approx 8 years. Worked pretty well, for the most part (for anxiety, mostly), but the side effects suddenly became too much and the apathy was just too great-I couldn't stand it anymore.
I tapered off zoloft slowly and tried some 'natural products'. Got a bad reaction, sick as a dog, anxiety through the roof, depression at a point so low it was worse than I can ever remember being. Then pdoc gave me celexa.At 10 mg I gave it a few weeks- got a glimmer of hope, some anxiety relief, but I also got a whole NEW kind of anxiety altogether(wierd!), and one really good day-then I crashed and felt worse than ever. I continued to take the celexa, but It was making me feel MORE depressed, also jittery, irritable, and confused. I tried upping the dose and it made me feel worse.
I went back down to 10mg. after talking to my pdoc
and continued to feel worse than ever. Crazy confused thinking- getting lost easily, forgetting the simplest things. More jumpiness and anxiety. Crying spells, endless crying spells. Despair, gloom, jumping out of my skin.
I was feeling like I was going crazy. Went to pdoc and said I can't take this, give me something else, but he says to give it more time and that celexa needs longer than the three/four? weeks I've given it. He gives me a seizure med to take with the celexa, to calm me down. The name escapes me- something like trileptal??Well I am afraid to take his seizure med after reading some of the posts on it, so I started taking low doses of zoloft again. I started feeling better right away.
I am only taking approx 6.5mg. zoloft right now and the crying spells are gone. It has been 5 days since I've had a celexa. But I feel extremely nauseaus- I have for days on end. I have apathy like you can't believe! I have no passion, feelings, thoughts on anything. I am a shell of a person just walking around.I don't know which is worse. Feeling dead on my feet-a zombie, like I am now. Or feeling exposed to the world and going out of my mind with emotions and sensations as I was on celexa
My question to you all is this: Plan A: Should I try mixing the two- I mean take small dose of zoloft in AM and small dose of celexa in PM? I remember reading a post a while back in which someone took only small dose celexa to add a 'spark'- what I need to make me feel like I'm alive. Will the celexa ever kick in with a/d effects and will the anxiety go away?
PLan B: Go back to prozac? I took prozac before I took zoloft. I remember feeling 'alive'. However, I discontinued and switched to zoloft because of the anxiety. I could try a lower dose of prozac than before.
Plan C: Take this trileptal, whatever it is! The seizure med prescribed by my pdoc. Wouldn't this make me more apathetic?Any Ideas?? Please respond- I don't expect a diagnosis, just opinions from those who know how frustrating this whole med mess is!!
HildiPS: As a 'recovering' alcoholic/addict, I cannot take anything like benzos, so I can't even consider that route.