Posted by blondiegirl on June 20, 2002, at 20:17:32
Here's my situation...I have a chemical imbalance that makes me prone to depression/anxiety. I'm currently on the Pill (Orthocept), which unfortunately exaccerbates my depression. Because of this, I went on an antidepressent, Celexa, 2 years ago. The Celexa helped me tremendously, but it makes my appetite out of control. To counteract this, my doc prescribed Wellbutrin for me about a year ago. I tried taking the Wellbutrin on its own, but it wasn't enough. So, I've been taking the 2 together for about 7-8 months. Since starting on the Celexa 2 years ago, I've gained 15-20 lbs. I think being on this Pill may be also contributing to the weight gain.
So what do I do? I cannot go off the husband and I are NOT ready for children and this is the only method we trust. However, I did do some research and based on what I found and after talking to my gyn, I will be starting a new pill, Levlite, in about a week. This could help aleviate some of my depression, but I highly doubt it will allow me to go completely off antidepressents.
Has anyone else experienced a similar situation? Any suggestions for a different antidepressent to try? I'm also concerned about a loss of libido, but being on the Pill sort of ruins that anyways.