Posted by Mr Beev on June 14, 2002, at 19:44:33
In reply to Very interesting and thank you (Mr. BEEV), posted by johnj on June 14, 2002, at 16:57:55
> The funny thing is about 9 or 10 days a go I started taking fish oil capsules and I am feeling pretty good.
I am glad this is helping. I too have been taking supplements, for about one month: one tablespoon of flaxseed oil, one 200mg magnesium citrate pill, one 3mg boron pill - three times a day. It has had no observable effect, for better or worse. I shall continue with the program until I use up the supplies. I have never had any success with supplements, but I figure: why not try, I would certainly prefer to be on vitamin pills than on high-power prescription drugs!
> BTW: Do you feel ok now working out and being on effexor? The "quick fix" is really something strange. I would think that might "solve" it, but I will watch my salt and make sure I hydrate correctly when I start back to getting some excercise. Take care
I find that most drugs and all ADs have no effect on my work outs. Soporifics, such as some benzodiazepines or ambien, sometimes leave me too tired to waddle forth in the wee hours. I too hoped the salt "fix" would "take", but alas and woe... I dimly recall reading somewhere that for quite heavy sweating, gatorade and its ilk are insufficient electrolyte replacements.
I have been spooning in that extra 0.5 tsp of sea salt after every brisk run for about a month now, and have felt no ill effects. Indeed, every now and then I feel palpably better after adding the salt. During this last month, I had my blood pressure taken every week, and it actually decreased! For runs of more than one hour, I carry a 20oz water bottle filled with gatorade (no extra salt), which I consume every 20 minutes or so. This helps a lot and provides more energy for that final strech.
A warning on a subject not related to mental health - so far as I know: not all sports drinks are created equal. For example, powdered orange gatorade contains not merely coconut oil - one of the worst - but partially hydrogenated coconut oil, viz. a so-called "transfat". From the research I had done a couple of years ago, it looks like transfats, e.g. those ingredients which begin "partially hydrogenated..." are pure evil, and best avoided. It is not always easy to do in our shrink-wrapped food culture, I admit.
Best regards,
Mr Beev
poster:Mr Beev