Posted by crepuscular on May 31, 2002, at 12:59:09
In reply to Severe Insomnia, what will happen? need help, posted by adamie on May 31, 2002, at 11:11:08
i've been in this exact same state before and it really sucks. not sleeping is bad, magnifies all aspects of mental illness, increases suicide risk. yuck!
my solution has been seroquel at night (sometimes w/klonopin when i really want to sack out), zoloft in the am, and vigorous exercise. i really think exercise is effective at re-setting your internal clock, stimulating appetite.
are you also getting psychotherapy? i know it can be lame, especially if you've had years & years of it already, but almost every study shows it is protective for relapse. at minimum, it spares your friends & family from the terrible burden of the illness.
best of.