Posted by Leighwit on May 31, 2002, at 9:30:44
In reply to Is Wellbutrin worth it? Need advice!, posted by rainbowlight on May 30, 2002, at 22:32:51
I've used WB for several years, but this doesn't really make much sense to me, on several levels.
First, I've started and stopped WB three times in twelve years, and don't recall ever having migraine-type headaches. That doesn't (in and of itself) mean anything, but I don't think migraines are a typical side effect, nor do I believe anyone should be in excrutiating physical pain as a result of starting any of these AD drugs.
You say the Pdoc added WB to make you less hyper and better able to concentrate? WB is activating, but difficulty concentrating is a common side effect, so that doesn't make sense to me. Brain fog is my own single biggest side effect on WB, and I have been prescribed other drugs (such as Aricept) to specifically alleviate that particular side effect.
You also mentioned OCD and anxiety. Agitation is also considered a common side effect of WB. I've augmented with Celexa in the past, just to ease the WB-induced anxiety and agitation, which are common side effects.
I think you're right in considering a call to the Pdoc, to review this change. You have every right to want to understand the details of her decision process for adding WB to your mix. It doesn't sound like you and she are on the same page right now. You already know this, but if you're like me, it helps to pick up some courage and resolve from this board before picking up the phone!