Posted by Mason on May 22, 2002, at 10:46:50
I was wondering if there were any other migraine sufferers who also have GAD or panic attacks or some form of depression? I've had migraines most of my 31 years, but just in the last year have developed out of the blue, GAD. I have Imitrex which is a WONDER drug for me for migraines, and have been on various AD cocktails. I'm currently on Effexor 112 mg/150mg Wellbutrin, plus two or so .25 Xanax pills a day. After trying many other mixes, this one really seems to be helping the GAD!
But, I have noticed an increase in my headaches. Pretty much every day, or at best every other day. Weather changes are a major trigger for my migraines, and this has been a pretty intense late winter/spring. I've been on Wellbutrin at 100mg with no problems, as well as Paxil, Zoloft, Prozac with no marked increase in headaches. I'm really hoping it's not the Effexor, or possibly the higher dose of Wellbutrin. I've noticed they come on late in the day which is odd, since I used to wake up with them most of the time (although I still do sometimes). I have NO luck in controlling how my body reacts to weather changes/sinus changes. I've tried sinus pills/allergy pills and sprays over the years without any luck.
Anyway, just wondering if anyone else had noticed an increase in their migraines either as a result of their meds, or like me as a result of climatic changes this spring.
Thanks for any/all input!