Posted by Jerrympls on May 9, 2002, at 18:20:33
This will probably need to take two Oprah shows and a CNN Special Report to answer and it's probably too symplified of a question to be asking but the hub-ub (sp?) around how placebos could "light up" our depressed brains - or should I say how WE could light up our brains while taking placebos. So - here goes:
First: If we go by the monoamine theory of depression that basically means our brains are not producing enough neurotransmitters and are in an imbalance. Basically.
So, if I'm in bed, severely depressed and my brain is in this "rhythm" of imbalance - of producing the "wrong" amount of neurotransmitter A and B and C and along comes Dr. Sarah Tonin and decides to give me a sugar pill - while I think it's Prozac and that it's supposed to help me get better.
Then, over the next couple weeks I begin to feel better - I've still beeon on my couch depressed, but slowly been feeling better and if you were to look at my brain up close, you'd see my brain was producing more A B and C neurotransmitters and there was more of a balance.
--I hadn't changed my diet
--I hadn't exercised any
--I hadn't taken any supplements
--I hadn't done any illicit drugsSO--WHERE did my BRAIN get the RESOURCES - SUPPLY - ENERGY - MOLECULES - ETC to make MORE NEUROTRANSMITTERS??? Not to avoid the more squimishly obvious how the hell did a sugar pill alleviate my depression in the first place -question- but that was the basis of that whole article the other morning and that's not what I'm asking. I'm asking how does the brain make something from nothing with no outside support?
How 'bout them apples? And to clarify - the above is hypothetical--I was NOT on my couch and was NOT visit by Dr. Sarah Tonin and did NOT have my depression cured by a sugar pill.